Application security

Application security
DevSecOps: Moving from “shift left” to “born left”
Instead of instilling security best practices earlier in the development process, incorporating them while code is written is a better approach.

Application security
What’s new in the OWASP Top 10 for 2023?
Find out what’s new in the OWASP Top 10 list, which explains significant threats.

Application security
DevSecOps: Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery (CI-CD) tools
In the last piece, we went through the various tools that can be integrated into the DevOps Pipeline to implement security at the different stages of the sof

Application security
Introduction to DevSecOps and its evolution and statistics
Learn about the growth of DevSecOps and key statistics associated with it for 2022.

Application security
MongoDB (part 3): How to secure data
Learn how to secure data in a MongoDB database.

Application security
MongoDB (part 2): How to manage data using CRUD operations
Find out how to manage data in a MongoDB database.

Application security
MongoDB (part 1): How to design a schemaless, NoSQL database
Find out how you can use MongoDB to design a schemaless, NoSQL database.

Application security
Understanding the DevSecOps Pipeline
Learn more about DevSecOps, a DevSecOps Pipeline, the concept of Shift Left, what it is and why the Shift Left mindset is becoming essential.

Application security
API Security: How to take a layered approach to protect your data
Learn how a layered approach to API security can help organizations balance cost and efficacy.