ISC2 CSSLP certification overview: What you need to know

Becoming a Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) validates your knowledge and skills around developing secure code and software.

Average CSSLP Salary in 2021

Find out what someone with the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional credential can earn.

Best CSSLP study resources and training materials

Here are the best CSSLP study resources and training materials available to help you master the eight CSSLP CBK domains.

ISC2 CSSLP job titles and career outlook

The CSSLP (Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professionals) from ISC2 is a valuable certification for IT professionals, developers and cybersecurity practitioners.

ISC2 CSSLP exam details and process

CSSLP (Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professionals) is one of the most popular application-security-related certifications available.

ISC2 CSSLP domain 8: Secure software supply chain

Learn more about secure software supply chain, the domain 8 topic of the CSSLP certification.

ISC2 CSSLP domain 7: Secure software deployment, operations, maintenance

Learn all about domain 7 of the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional and why it is important.

ISC2 CSSLP domain 6: Secure software lifecycle management

Learn all about the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional domain 6 topics.

ISC2 CSSLP domain 5: Secure software testing

Learn all about the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional certification’s domain 5 topic of secure software testing.

ISC2 CSSLP domain 4: Secure software implementation

Domain 4 of the CSSLP ensures that applicants have the knowledge and experience to avoid security blunders while writing code.